Tailored Body Massage


At Hidden Valley Beauty Therapy in Beaconsfield, we offer a personalised massage service that caters to your specific needs and preferences. Our experienced therapists use a variety of techniques to help relieve tension and promote relaxation. Whether you want a gentle, soothing massage or a deeper treatment, we will create a tailored massage experience just for you. Book your appointment today and let us help you unwind and recharge.


30 Minute Massage $65

45 Minute Massage $75

1 Hour Full Body Massage $95

1.5 Hour Full Body Massage $115

From the moment you step through our door your senses will be filled with the delicate fragrances of our aromatic oils as you begin to unwind within your desired treatment room atmosphere.

We offer the warm comforting embrace of a softly candle lit room or the invigorating mini getaway that comes with the nature feel of our courtyard filled with beautiful natural light.

Our customised pressure massage can be altered to fit your specific needs to work on your tension areas, helping you walk away feeling completely rejuvenated and refreshed.